What's FavaTV?

FAVATV was founded as an independent media arts distribution platform by the Film and Video Arts Society of Alberta (FAVA). So what's that mean? We collect and distribute independent Canadian films created by members of arts co-ops across the country. And we do it all for free, without ads.


Simon Sezz
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Ken Berry
Uploaded by:Ken Berry
Simon, an illiterate office worker, obsesses and fantasizes over the company memo girl. 16mm film, Simon was born unto this world a "tabula rasa." His slate has been filled by the great corporate committee. For 35 years, Simon has known an ignorant bliss. Now deep within Simon something is stirring - a universal consciousness, causing angst, chaos, a gnashing of teeth in the classic clash of the titans: Free will versus Pre-Determination. Productivity may be good and great, but where is the love? Simon's musings are as such "transcendental" whereby love is the "great elevator" ready to "fax" Simon beyond an otherwise dismal existence.